UF/UF 204: Yearning to breathe free.

Yeah forget that mess, don’t cross our border bro. The price for that infraction is no the seizure of your children. To be fair this is a law that has been on the books for a long, long time. The look of it is unseemly to be sure. But knowing your children will be ripped from you, some right from your very breast, why would you try to cross illegally?  The Trump administration has made clear it’s intention to enforce the long-standing law. So stay home people!

Tonight we break all that mess down plus we the top-notch spin job CNN put on the Trump/Kim summit.

Also tonight, the top 5 list returns!  Tonight, the top 5 actors not named Robert De Niro. Should be tons of fun.  Don’t miss it!

UF/UF 204: Yearning to breathe free.




You talkin to me? You talking to ME?




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