Podcast Season 2 Episode 47: Benghazi for better or worse.

A really big show for you tonight. Round two of the new game sweeping the nation, Podcast Political Pop Quiz! Get your pencils and paper ready gang, it’s a barn burner tonight. We’ll also talk about our favorite dictator and our least favorite government – our own! Congress is about to convene a special panel tot investigate Benghazi, will they finally get to the truth or with they devolve into a giant politically motivated cluster f*%k.

Click the link to find out.

Podcast Season 2 Episode 47: Benghazi for better or worse.

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Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us. Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

On to the tease…

Don't mess with Hill-dogg Karl.

Please look at me. I am important. I have many leather bound books!

He’s one of those guys now…

Karl “The Architect” Rove goes on live television and says Hillary Clinton has brain damage and her health should be a major question for the 2016 race. He stinks of attention desperation so bad I can smell him through my computer. Don’t be that jackass Karl, don’t be.



Can this man save Republicans from themselves?

Can this man save Republicans from themselves?

This will not end well…

The House has convened a special commission to investigate Benghazi even though 3 separate investigations have been conducted by the Republican side of the House. Leadership has said three things to R’s running for reelection: 1. Don’t fund raise off of this issue.  2. Don’t pile on Hillary.  3. Find the truth and don’t make this an indictment of Obama. Well zero out of three ain’t bad. Congressman Trey Gowdy may be the one guy who can keep this ship from runnin aground.


What's that? Why yes, Jesus did say love everyone, even our enemies.

What’s that? Why yes, Jesus did say love everyone, even Extra Terrestrials.

Jesus phone home…

The coolest guy on the planet just said the coolest thing ever uttered by a Pope. Francis says he’ll baptize Martians if they so desire. Putting the IN in Inclusive, the Pope is reshaping the Catholic church and Christianity in large swaths. But a question remains. Does Christ’s Vicar on Earth know something about a pending Martian presence the rest of us don’t? We report, you decide!


You don’t want to miss it.

Click the link.

Podcast Season 2 Episode 47: Benghazi for better or worse.

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us. Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

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